No Heat!
Woke up to find the furnace had once again conked out. I'm lucky in that I have an awesome landlord and he is down there right now with the furnace guy trying to get it up and running. In the meantime I'm not opening any windows and am huddled under blankets. My cat is fast asleep b
urrowed under a comforter like any smart cat would be.
Well, here are a couple of pictures of the old brute. Pretty scary looking isn't it! No wonder why the thing keeps conking out.
Kind of looks like maybe it's the original furnace from when the house was built close to 100 years ago!
Well, it's now almost 5:00 and the heat is finally up and running and it is now a balmy 61 degrees in here!
Yikes, furnace problems in the winter are bad news. I'm glad you are getting heat again.
I am very lucky to have the landlord that I have and it is only Victoria after all so even when it's really cold here it's not really all that cold! We just complain a lot!
I went without heat for a couple months, I can sympathize. Glad to hear its up and running now.
All Canadians complain about the weather, its what bonds us ;P
Im glad you got it fixed!!! re: old furnaces; My grandparents had an old furnace that actually burned wood!! It had a fan thingie in it that would blow the hot air through the vents up into all the rooms, but my grama would always have to run down to the basement to feed the damn thing.
Hope you are having a warm and toasty night!!
That's quite the heater. Ours is thirty years old...a "Coleman". It scares me.
We're back to no heat but I have already called the landlord. Poor guy he's going to start to have nightmares at the sound of my voice!
Allison, two months! You live in cold country. Yikes. At least here it really doesn't get that cold.
Oh Melanie I can't even imagine what a wood furnace would have been like. I would have hated having to run down to keep feeding the thing!
Deb I think we could have a competition where people send in their pictures of the scariest furances! They look like they could come alive and attack at any moment!
I grew up with coal. Clinkers.
Wished my kids thought 61 was balmy. They cheat when I'm at work and they are home.
Stay warm.
Busterp, the furnace guys were back again and spent many hours working on the old brute and they have assured us they have it fixed once and for all. Hmm, I think I've heard that before!
Oh, I feel for you! My furnace stopped when we lost our power last weekend (an entire ordeal I have not blogged about yet). By the time I realized that the furnace did not come on when the power did my partner (who is the one who is the lighter of the furnace) was at work. I spent the last 2 nights previous stoking the fire up throughout the night, worried that our onlyu source of heat would go out or worse start a fire. I, therefore, bravely, decided to light my own furnace. Yes, it does not sound like a feat but I was really proud of myself when I did!
Thanks for the add by the way:)
58.. bah! my house went down to 56....hee hee.
glad you are back in the heat!
Slaygirl, there is no way I would attempt sparking up my own furnace! I do think that was a feat you performed. I'm glad to have you on my links I was always having to run down to my Remembrance Day post and link to you from there. I could always remember you being there because of the name Hamilton! I just thought this is ridiculous, Slaygirl needs a shortcut link and now!
56 degrees 668. Brrr! You win! haha
Wow that boiler is awesome! The exact same thing happened to us this weekend and the boiler man was going on about how old and decrepit it was - I should show him yours!!! It's brilliant! Glad you're all warm now - we had no heat or hot water from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon but it's nowhere near as cold here as it is there :{
Kees, that's funny. I love the image of you showing your furnace guy a worse furnace! They're back trying to work on it again today. Yesterday they thought they had it all fixed and ready to go but apparantly not!
Yep, I think my grandma hated it for sure. I hope all is well and you are toasty warm now. It's raining cats and dogs right now here in Van
Aww, it's raining. Yuk! So far it's dry here but you guys always have gotten a lot more rain than us.
something happened to your blog..your pics are gone? or is it me?
Kelly, my pics on my blog are there but the pics on the comments are not. Have no idea why. I've had an insane work week so I've been out of commission.
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