When I was down along the ocean this morning there was golden retriever that kept running up the stone wall that's built on a steep incline, with his ball tucked in his mouth. Once he got to the top he would let the ball, give it a push and the ball would roll down the wall onto the ocean walkway and over the edge onto the beach. He would go flying after the ball racing to catch it before it landed in the water. Once caught he would leap onto the walkway and fly straight back up the wall to start the game all over again.
Another guy, looked to be about 23, was playing with his little terrier. They were playing tug-of-war with a stick. When I walked past he said, we can play this for hours.
Made me think of the paper game Sammy Jo and I play. It was a little hard to snap the pictures and work the strip of paper but I tried. Of course I'm a little biased but I think he looks so darn cute here and young!
So, what are the goofy games you play with your pets?
Well, I should have a student here in about 10 minutes so I guess I had better hit publish and sign off for now.
Not only do our cats look alike they play the same games. I have a railing at the top of the stairs Eve loves to walk along and then jump down on one side and swat through.
If you just kind of act like your gonna grab our wiener dog it will run around the house for hours, the other dog however has never played ever, he's seven.
Justacoolcat, and here I thought my cat was a one of a kind!
Junky, what kind is your other dog? I just have this image of your wiener dog whipping through the house while the other one just kind of rolls his eyes, thinking, "Idiot!"
Cats are funny hey? Such personalities. My cat tears through the room for no reason but to do it and spontaniously attacks people (not real attacking to hurt you just - hey got ya, what are you gonna do about it). Also, if I am sweeping in the bathroom she likes to attack the broom from under the door. I think it's funny.
Faith, aw, attacking the broom that's so cute. Sammy Jo sometimes runs wild from room to room but usually he choses to do so in the dead of night and I want to strangle him. Of course I can never catch him!
Sammy Jo is so pretty. I love his little eraser-tip nose.
Sputnik is a fan of the railing game too, but she gets a little carried away and forgets that she is not really supposed to go for the kill.
She likes to chase me round and round the kitchen, dining room, living room, kitchen, dining room, living room, etc etc when I drag a belt behind me. She hates belts with a passion.
Barbara, we need our animals to keep us fit!
haha a belt hating kitty.
my dog of course loves ball. we also play chase around the house, until i need to sit down. :)
i'm sure we have goofy games as well. i just can't think of one right now.
Oh my God, those pics melted me heart. I sooo love your cat...what a sweetheart.
My dog thought she was too sophisticated for childish games. Unless she initiated them and got to direct them.
668, Goober looks like he could outlast the best of us.
Deb, tomorrow I will have to post one of his pissed off looks then we'll see how much he melts your heart!
Cats are superior to dogs. The dog is reliant but the cat is free, independent, and feminine - which is always the more creative and allluring. More pictures of those delightful creatures please. I often wish I could live on an island with my love and a school of cats:) Nothing else, expecpt maybe a weekly boat to a book store and to see friends...
Danny tagalog, keep talking like that and cat lovers and women everywhere are going to fall all over you!
well... my cats tend to amuse themselves... especially my male... he flushes toilets so that he can watch the water swirl around... he does like to play fetch with us though... we'll throw a glimmery har tie and he chases it and brings it back and drops it at your feet to throw again...
One of my cats has a thing for pop bottle caps. He could play fetch for hours. I think it has something to do with the size and shape - perfect for him to carry in his mouth. I've tried getting him all manner of expensive cat toys (with catnip and without) but he will have nothing to do with them.
When I was kid, my cat (he still lives with my mom. He's a diabetic now) would climb up this door we had that was covered in carpet. I'd drag string up there and he'd hang there and try to get it while I moved the string.
Ethel, I am so glad my cat does not know how to flush the toilet! Someone posted their cat doing just that on YouTube. You male cat sounds like he's part dog.
Karen, welcome. I'll have to try the pop bottle cap. Knowing Sammy Jo he'll leave the cap and go pouncing on his favorite black spot on the floor instead. I don't know what it is with that black spot but every so often he goes nuts trying to kill it.
Small town teacher, I'm still trying to visualize a door covered in carpet let along a hanging from it!
rolling my eyes at cat people
have i mentioned how cute sammy jo is?
ps. since i know you like these, i am having a fight with someone on the notpaidbythour site.
Kelly, yea well you being a squirrel person and all! How's Jake by the way?
668, if you don't look out you're going to give Sammy Jo a swelled head! I had to go and see what you were talking about. Oh, that idiot. Now there's a man with issues! I must say I thought you handled yourself with real class and didn't allow him to bring you down to his level.
*kelly...you forgot the "crazy" in that sentence (me being one of them)
i thought cats naturally had swell heads...:)
thanks, i needed a second opinion.
Yay Deb, fellow cat crazy person!
668, he is terribly antagonistic, knows it, and proud of it. He was also despicably rude and definitely crossed the line of proper decorum He was not even trying to have any kind of relevant discourse. Let's face it if that discussion had been taking place in a classroom or workshop setting he would have been thrown out. Thankfully you are the complete opposite and I am proud to call you a friend.
if he was in a bar, he'd be wearing my drink by now. :)
thanks! i am proud to call you my friend as well. (look at us.. all mushy .... :) )
Thanks for visiting my blog Toccata. Your kitty is so cute and awesome. Lulu is in love!
oh yes..."crazy"...but that goes without saying
"huff" *folds arms* I don't have a pet, but a dogga is coming my way soon(ish) I need a lifestyle chnage first :[]
I did get to play with a dogga and two cats and 3 chickens and 7 ducks on the weekend though, but the ducks and chickens weren't actually THAT fun :]
Dan, welcome. Sammy Jo is a little jealous of Lulu right now because of her starring role in a video.
Kelly, just you wait Mr. I saw your blog, you're in trouble.
Dogga, hopefully you'll have that dog of yours real soon.
Aw he does look really cute in those photos. Really kittenish! I don't have any particular games I play with Loki that I can think of offhand. :O)
Mellowlee, I thought he looked rather like a kitten too. Not bad for a cat that's at least 13!
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