Saturday, March 24, 2007

This is for Allison, who shares my passion of Wassily Kandinsky.

Tension in Red

I've been tagged by Mellowlee, and with the rain falling steadily outside this is the perfect Saturday activity.

A- Available or Single – who wants to know?

B- Best Friends - M, M and S

C- Cake or Pie – my mother's homemade blueberry pie, no wait her apple pie, make that her cherry pie using cherries picked from the orchards of the Okanagan Valley

D – Drink of Choice - coffee preferably at Starbucks while reading a newspaper or hanging out with friends

E- Essential Item – pencil and paper

F- Favourite Colour – I'm in love with colour, couldn't possibly pick just one.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms – Yuk, neither

H- Hometown – Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

I- Indulgence – gorgeous watercolour paper

J- January or February - February

K- Kids - none

L- Life is incomplete without - Good Friends, Good Books, Good Art, Good Music and of course my family

M- Marriage Date – What? Marriage? What is that?

N- Number of Siblings? – two

O- Oranges or Apples? - winter oranges, fall apples

P- Phobias/Fears – getting hit by a car door while biking in the bike lane, ladders

Q- Favourite Quote - "Even God is constrained by Geometry." Unknown "With colour one obtains an energy that seems to stem from witchcraft." Henri Matisse

R- Reasons to smile - life

S- Season – Summer preferably on a mountain or on the water

T- Tag 3 People – I have decided to leave this one blank. A couple of people I would tag seem to be fairly private and a couple of others don't strike me as the type that would want to do it and yet the others have no doubt already been tagged.

U- Unknown Fact About Me – used to play organ at hockey games (I don't usually admit to this!)

V- Vegetable You Hate – cooked carrots

W- Worst Habit – prone to bouts of laziness

X- X-rays You've Had – left hand, right foot, teeth

Y- Your Favourite Foods – Indian, Chinese, Thai

Z- Zodiac – Aquarius


Women on the Verge said...

Love the painting!!

I'm looking for some Marc Chagall prints/posters for my bedroom...

I'm planning on posting a pic of one of my cats within the next week... I'll try to let you know when I finally get there.


Allison said...

Thanks Toccata! I love seeing Kandinsky appreciation, I'm gonna soon post something about abstract expressionism. I think its underrated.

Those were two fine quotes! Love em. Cooked carrots are my favourite veggie, though, at least that leaves more in this world for me!

Playing the organ is cool, well, at least I think so. Admit away.

Toccata said...

Ethel, there's another artist I love. Can't wait until I see your cat picture! By the way your site came up yesterday when I was talking to a friend. Anyhow, she was saying how much she liked it.

Toccata said...

Allison, ew to the cooked carrots! I look forward to the post on abstract expressionism. I think part of the problem is what comes to mind are pictures of stripes and everyone thinking, "That's stupid I can do that." So many of the great abstract works by the great artists are intricate and involve a great deal of skill and imagination.

Deb said...

I enjoyed your list...o.k. on mine I forgot to put "tc's MOM's" on my favorite pie. Cos they sound delicious.

Bike lanes are scary, aren't they. I posted about the time a driver was actually driving his car THE WRONG WAY down the bike lane. He was also talking on a cell with one hand and steering with his coffee in the other...he came head on at me before veering into that bike lane. Cops didn't care (I got his license).

Toccata said...

Deb, the bike lanes are insane around here. I always want to take one of the city engineers on a bike tour so they can see first hand their handiwork. One of my favorites is how some of our bike lanes just end. No warning they're just done.

Driving down the wrong way with a cell phone and coffee. Yikes!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Everyone is posting such great art these days. This is wonderful, it's a virtual gallery really.

F and O - you just expressed my inner sentiments perfectly on those.

Toccata said...

Barbara, this entire internet thing is just awesome! Whatever did we do as kids?

Allison said...

Bah, you stole the first line to my post ;p

Toccata said...

Allison, oops, sorry about that. :)

mellowlee said...

I loved your answers, thanks for posting it! (women on the verge:Oh, I love Chagall too! So nice and dreamy. Maybe I will get some for my new apartment when I move.)

I think a lot of us have laziness or procrastination as a worst habit.

Those quotes are great!

Toccata said...

Mellowlee, have you found a place yet or are you still looking? A nice Chagall with your new bedding would look real nice. Thanks for tagging me by the way. It was pretty fun. I'll have to post a Chagall tomorrow.

Evelyne said...

I've never heard of Wassily Kandisky before, and I have to look at more things that he did, it's amazing!

I liked your answers, when i was doing road bike competition it scared me too to getting hit by a car while training, luckily it never happened!

Toccata said...

Evelyne, I'm glad you like him. He's definitely one of my favorite artists. Later today, probably during the radio show I will post another along with a couple of other artists. Will you be listening tonight? I never knew you used to compete in bike races! Do you have your bike in Montreal? I love to bike but I'm slow.

Evelyne said...

I might listen tonight, but I'm not sure yet, I have a paper to write in Ecology and it is harder than I thought, and it is due on Tuesday... oups! And a friend just reminded me of the exam that we have on Wednesday... so I might listen to a part of the show tonight.

My bike is at my parents' house, i don't have enough time and i don't really know where i could go, and we still have snow!!!! But when I'll move to the west island, i'll bring it! And i did competition for about 5 years until 2003, i don't think that i ever mentioned it on my blog!

Small Town Teacher said...

I'm still surprised about how much I don't know about you. Did you play the organ at NHL games? I think that's cool either way.

Toccata said...

Evelyne, I kind of forgot there that not everyone gets to bike year round! Good luck on your essay and exam.

Small town teacher, hahahaha! No, I played for the WHL. If I played for the NHL now that I would have bragged about!

mellowlee said...

Still looking. A bit nervous about that, but Im sure I will find something...I had better sheesh eh? My favorite Chagall is the blue house one. I think it was done in 1917, but not sure. I have never been able to find a poster of it :O(

Johnny Yen said...

I love that painting! It reminds me of Miro, if he'd grown up in 1930's Soviet Union rather than Spain.

Toccata said...

Mellowlee, apartment hunting sucks. Good luck. I was looking through my book on Chagall last night trying to find a picture to post. I will look again and see if I can't find the picture you are talking about.

Johnny Yen, oh Miro, another artist I like. I rather like his "mobile" type paintings.

Phil said...

LOL, your marriage reaction was similar to mine!