Sunday, April 22, 2007

For Deb
This is how close the magnificant creature was to me. I was sitting on the park bench that you can kind of see in the bottom of the picture. The other pictures I used the zoom.
Don't worry guys, I made sure the flash was off so as not to disturb or unsettle him.


Anonymous said...

good job

Toccata said...

Kelly, thanks. I couldn't believe my good luck.

b o o said...

he is a great model :)

Phil said...

Wow, they're great - We have several local Herons and they let you get quite close to them, but not THAT close :]

Barbara Bruederlin said...

That's astounding! You could have grabbed a feather had you wanted to!

Danny Tagalog said...

Oh my - that really is beautiful. Must have sensed a kind nature to have allowed you such pics...

Allison said...

Lovely indeed :)

Evelyne said...

Wow, that's amazing! Good job!

Toccata said...

Boo, no kidding!

Dogga, I think it was because it was very early in the morning and the park was deserted except for me and the bird.

Barbara, I must have snapped 20 pictures at least. I just kept thinking, this is never going to happen again.

Danny tagalog, I definitely felt honoured to be in his presence.

Allison, how does it feel to be all over and done with? Good work.

Evelyne, dumb luck but I was happy.

Anonymous said...

thats a fake heron...he hasn't moved since I looked yesterday

Toccata said...

Kelly, haha! He was stuffed and standing in a museum but don't tell anyone.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

ha ha.. fake heron indeed.

Toccata said...

668! As soon as I saw you I was pretty sure it was good news. Yes, congratulations.

Unknown said...

I'm impressed. Nice shootin' (in the good way).

Deb said...

WOW! Those are spectacular, I love them. You're brave to get so close. Excellent shots tc.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

thanks again!

mellowlee said...

woooo, that is fantastic!!!!!

Toccata said...

Busterp, I sometimes want to shoot your American eagle in the bad sense of the word when they steal the eggs of the blue heron!!

Deb, thanks but I am still jealous how you got that great shot of Mount Baker. Mount Baker has yet to appear in my pictures even though I have snapped them many a time!!

668, you're welcome. You've got some exciting times coming your way.

Mel, hey shouldn't you be packing? I am so glad you found yourself a place and a place you like.

Anonymous said...

Those herons are terrifically photogenic aren't they? I still look forward to another opportunity for a close up with one.

Deb said...

tc...I keep coming back to look at them.

Again, W O W

I'm going to steal them, o.k.?

Toccata said...

Leazwell, me too. I just think they are incredible. What we don't have here though are the pretty little birds such as red-wing blackbirds, finches or warblers. Do you?

Deb, steal away. I posted them for you after all!

Women on the Verge said...

Beautiful!! We have great herons in our backyard frquently but I've never managed to get quite that close. Very nice!


Toccata said...

Ethel, in your backyard! That would be something. I only get squirrels and crows.