Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm Back! Kinda, Sorta
Was off sick but I am now back in fine form just in time for upcoming university exams which means my blogging skills will probably remain rather haphazard for the next three weeks. On that note I want to wish Evelyne good luck in her upcoming exams and a special wish for Allison who is just about completely finished with her undergrad degree. That certainly deserves a well deserved WOOT! She will be leaving Canadian soil for awhile to pursue her masters but I'm working on making her sign a declaration of intent to return to Canada after she is done!
I googled images of Sasaktchewan and look what popped up! Too bloody true. I figure this can go out to Kelly even if he did feel a need to point out that I am older than him on somebody elses blog! One year Kelly, one measley little year and 13 days to be exact. Sorry, bud that still makes you one of us old guys.


Anonymous said...

i expected you to say older and wiser.........

Toccata said...

Kelly, the wiser part just goes without saying!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You are all mere babies compared to me!

Glad to have you back in the pink, Toccata. Just in time for exams, oh yay!

Whitenoise said...

Glad to hear that you're feeling better. ;-)

Deb said...

Wahoo, you're back!

Evelyne said...

You are back!!! ;-)
Thank you very much, I can't believe that the 11 is the last day of lectures!!! But finally, this semester I have an exam schedule that looks okay, one on the 16 and then 24, 25 and 26... it gives a lot of time to 'study'... good luck, the next 3 weeks are going to be really busy for you too!

Toccata said...

Barbara, well at least I'm not having to write them!

Whitenoise, thanks.

Deb, thanks. Feels good to be back let me tell you although I almost had a relapse watching the Canucks lose to the Flames!

Evelyne, I'm glad you have a good exam schedule. It makes such a difference. You are going to be one tired puppy on the 26th!

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

yay! you're back! time for a happy dance!

Toccata said...

668, thank you! Tomorrow I am going to post a stupid little story that happened to me that made me think of you. How's that for a teaser?

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

haha.. i like how it is a "stupid little story" that makes you think of me. ;)

Anonymous said...

thats true barb you are the old one here

and as far as wiser goes toccata...I have no doubts

Allison said...

Yay you're back!!

Thank-you very much for the well wishes :) I lolled at the declaration part, my family seems to be thinking along the same lines! I can't believe tomorrow I'm done class. Officially done everything on the 19th. Does this mean I have to grow now?

And that picture is tops. You find the best ones.

Allison said...

*grow UP

Toccata said...

668, oops, a bit of foot in mouth disease there I see! It's only because you can seem to walk across a street an encounter an adventure.

Kelly, I feel like I should smack you on Barbara's behalf.

Allison, wow, so tomorrow you're done. How does that feel? Mixed emotions I'm sure. Just think about all the new adventures you are about to embark on. Exciting times await!

Anonymous said...

what?...and after i said you were wiser

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Well it is true what Kelly says, I am the oldest, but feel free to go ahead and smack him anyway, Toccata, because he has it coming.

Toccata said...

Leazwell, you used it a year ago! That's funny. Trust me to be an entire year behind. I'm always on the cutting edge!