Saturday, February 09, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone

Wandered down to Chinatown where the entire area is festooned with lanterns. It really looks festive down there right now.

This is the Chinese School.

The gateway to Chinatown. We really do have a nice gateway I only wish I could manage to get a picture to do it justice.

There's a store in Chinatown that I love. It winds around through several rooms and it has to be seen to be believed. Every square inch from the floor to the ceiling is filled with brightly decorated trinkets. The ceiling itself is something to behold for there is stuff hanging everywhere. I always take any friends from out of town there and the reactions tend to be mixed. Some love it. Others just don't get it. This was a basket of rats on special for the Year of the Rat, rather obviously.

Today was unbelievable here. It felt like spring. Sorry all you people out west suffering through temperatures of -28! I thought this rose was pretty darn pretty considering it is only February 9th.

One of the private schools in town made what I thought was a brilliant presentation on the "dangers" of the internet. This is rather a hot topic in schools, for kids are wiley in the ways of surfing the net but they are not so great about safety issues or misuing the internet for purposes of bullying. My sister teaches junior high and she is constantly having to deal with kids bullying kids on the internet. Usually presentations about the dangers of the internet are met with groans and a general mistrust of the adults that see the internet as BAD. This time however the speaker got up and said, "Hi there, I'm Susan Hill. You know, the person each and every one of you accepted as a friend on facebook. As you can see I am not 13 and I am not a girl!" It definitely made an impact and judging from my students a positive one. They were astounded. Every single kid at that school with a facebook account accepted Susan as their friend. I don't know if it will work but I certainly think it will give them pause next time a stranger wants to be their friend, well at least for the next week.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Gung Hay Fat Choy! I love the lanterns at the Chinese school.

I really must get down to Chinatown, where they have the most amazing store inside the Chinese Cultural Centre. It must be owned by relatives of the store you talked about, because you described it perfectly, although I am always puzzled by how much anime stuff they sell.

Damn, I am going to have to defriend Susan Hill now! Kidding, of course, but those kids really should have been more savvy, simply by the fact that there are no 13 year olds named Susan.

Toccata said...

Barbara, the anime hasn't infiltrated that particular Chinese store yet but our Chinatown has definitely been infiltrated by a Western Influence. We supposedly have the largest Chinatown next to San Francisco but I think it must be in terms of population and not a condensed geographical area.

Allison said...

Facebook is dangerous. I don't understand people who accept friends they don't know though.

Lovely pictures.

Toccata said...

Allison, I kind of think with kids it's a numbers thing. I have 217 friends and you only have 3!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

By the way, I completely approve of your new profile photo. Sammy Jo just knows how to sum things up succinctly, doesn't he?

Toccata said...

Barbara, I never thought I would see the day when I have to wait my turn for MY bathroom!

Allison said...

Its true. Somebody needs to put out a bulletin saying "Less is more!"

Love the new profile photo too. :)

Mathew John said...

Oh you make me wish I was out there.
Darn these cold prairies.
(Even colder as I run outside)

Miss you,
and Abstract is killing me slowly.

Toccata said...

Allison, I know when did having a gazillion plus strangers on facebook rate as the all important thing to have?

Oh Matt, I should not be laughing but I so feel your pain and all I can say is thank God my freaking Abstract days are done!! Yours will be too my friend.