Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Pictures from Richmond

Ferry ride coming back home.

Dog park.
Homes along the Dike.

Vancouver Art Gallery

Spirit Pacific Park

The path from Pacific Spirit Park tumbles out onto the ocean overlooking Vancouver.

This was from the first park we walked in that meandered around a golf course and hugged the roadway. Beautiful but definitely not quiet. You can hear the golf balls being whacked and cars zooming by. Certainly enjoyed the walk though.

Along the Dike near where Cindy lives. Loved the idea of the drawbridges along the creek.

Had to laugh when they said I couldn't possibly have heard the planes flying overhead. The planes fly take off about every three minutes!

Nature Sanctuary

The ships looked as though they were floating on grass. Hard to believe that was the ocean out there past the swampland.

The dike that I walked alone on. The walk was bordered all along the day with blackberry bushes. The blackberries were nice and plump and very sweet.

A drawbridge.

The ferry ride to Richmond.

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