Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I think I could really get into this posting of images! Next step that @#$%@ sidebar!

This is a really boring blog so be warned. I was just more trying out the image thing.

Oak Bay Marina. One of my favorite sketching spots as well as well a favorite place to walk along with my ipod churning out my favorite tunes.

Yesterday it was high tide and when I came up to the boathouse I saw something go flying down the ramp and thought at first it was a dog but then realized it was an otter. It was so cool. There were five otters using the boat ramp as their own personal waterslide! They would scuttle up the ramp and wait for a wave and then swoosh they'd fly down into the ocean. I love seeing the otters and watching them snick through the water.

I am a hobby artist. One of my favorite things to do is to hop on my bike or walk around town with my sketchbook in tow and sketch or paint everything and anything. If the weather is kind of lousy as of late then I'll sketch in a cafe somewhere. I just finished a sketchbook and gave it to my parents for their 56th wedding anniversary on Thanksgiving weekend. Anyhow that is why I am scanning a painting from an old sketchbook dated 2 years ago. It came out a little bit blurry and the colours are odd. My sketchbooks are vastly different from the work I do at home which tend to be large and leaning more towards abstraction.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

I've never seen otters in the wild, only in zoos. I would love to be an otter. They are so fabulous.

Toccata said...

They're incredible. I see them fairly often but not as much as I would have thought before living here. I remember seeing whales the first time I visited Victoria and just assumed people must see them all the time. Haven't seen one since!

Allison said...

I saw a few otters this summer on one of the turnouts up to Whistler, it was pretty exciting, as I've never seen one before.

That's a fabulous idea, giving a sketchbook as a gift! Handmade gifts are always the best.

Anonymous said...

well i'm looking forward to seeing postings of your artwork...hint

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

i am so jealous you have seen otters live! i have only seen them in zoos and have been fascinated with them ever since i read a book called 'okee the otter' when i was a little kid.

and i second the idea of a sketchbook being a great gift.

and looking forward to seeing more artwork!

good luck with the sidebar!

mellowlee said...

I want to see an otter!!!!! I wonder if I hung around second beach long enough... lol!

Beautiful photo.

I would like to see some of your sketches. I like that graphic of the flowers at the bottom. I have no idea what those are called, but my step-great grandmother used to have them in the garden..we just called them "Lanterns?" I love them!

Toccata said...

I would like to go to Whistler. I hear it's beautiful but very expensive.

Picture books are great. I don't know the book, Okee the Otter. I will definitely look it up aka neighbour of the beast.

Mellowlee, I don't know what the plant is actually called but I've always called them Chinese Lanterns. I absolutely hate gardening or anything to do with working in the yard.

Toccata said...

Is there a way to edit a comment once you've realized you screwed something up?

Anyhow, I meant to end the last comment with I only like drawing plants, preferrably dead or dying plants. They are much more interesting.