Friday, November 10, 2006

Top Ten List of Stormy Rainy Songs:

Ok this list ended up not going exactly where I wanted it to. Instead of being a top ten list, it's just a list. I had to do a bit of scraping to come up with ten. Yikes I just realized my order is way out of whack. Numbers 2, 3 and 5 need to take a dive downwards.

1. Beethoven's Sonata No. 17, Opus 31, Nr. 2: The Tempest (an absolutely incredible piece of music)
2. Joy is Like the Rain (a little kid's song that immediately sprang to mind when I first thought of this list but unfortunately it has remained embedded in my head all week playing over and over...and over, agh!)

3. Rain: Hawksley Workman

4. The River in Reverse: Elvis Costello and Allen Toussaint: The River in Reverse (fabulous CD)

5. After the Rain: Blue Rodeo

6. Buckets of Rain: Bob Dylan

7. Funnel Cloud: Hem

8. Rainy Night in Georgia: Hem (I can never have too much Hem. If I could carry a tune I would want to sound like Sally Ellyson)

9. Who Let in the Rain: Cyndi Lauper

10. Early Morning Rain: Gordon Lightfoot


mellowlee said...

The rain has me huddled up indoors. Wet cold is bad BRRRRR! My bones are achy. Who knew Vancouver would be so rainy? :) I hope you have a good weekend. I'm glad you have a blog now.

mellowlee said...

By the way...when I tried to publish this comment a few minutes ago, blogger insisted that "The blog you are looking for doesn't exsist" Hmmph, stupid blogspot.

Toccata said...

I'm hunkered down too. When I first moved here I really had a hard time adjusting to all the rain and gray and now I can't imagine not living on the West Coast.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

That's a lovely list. I enjoy themed lists.

I love Hawksley Workman's new cd.

Toccata said...

When you read the different lists it's amazing the amount of music that is out there. I'm always surprised by how many artists I have never heard of or don't know their music.

Small Town Teacher said...

My favorite stormy song at the moment is "Cold December" by Matt Costa.

Toccata said...

My sister really likes Matt Costa. By the way a lot of the people that you find here do an ipod shuffle every Friday. Some do theme lists some just do the first 10 songs that either their ipod or their itunes spits out. It's really interesting to see the different lists. There is a ton of music out there that I do not know.