Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No Post Just Pictures

Mellowlee, when you mentioned seeing the purple door I immediately thought of this house. No purple door but everything else is purple! The picture doesn't do it justice for the pale mauve has been toned down by Mr. Camera. Everytime I see the owner she is sporting purple and a smile! It's great. She looks like a lot of fun.

I kind of liked this rather pathetic looking snowman. Someone built it in the dogs off leash area and the dogs have had an absolute hayday giving it their own special treatment!

Finally a shot of the ocean that kind of turned out. What's weird though is the house, trust me there is a house in the shot, looks so far away and it really isn't. The owners had it lifted off its foundation and rotated 45 degrees in order to get a better view!


668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

nice pics. i love the house and that snowman made me laugh. i can just imagine how much the dogs were going crazy with that!

Anonymous said...

when jake sees snowmen he likes to tear them apart down to little snow bits and pieces

Allison said...

Nice pictures, I'm laughing at the snowman one...they always take the worst beating, don't they? More proof that dogs rule us, not the other way around.

mellowlee said...

I love the house with purple. I can imagine what it looks like with a more intense purple! People who love purple are really special aren't they :) (I like to call it purkle)

The snowman made me howl! Thanks for posting these photos!!!

Unknown said...

Nice pictures. Purple lady probably is eccentric and thus fun.

Is that a Michael Richards snowman? Gee, you're so topical.

I zoomed the last picture. Pretty clouds and shades of grays and a cool house. I'd have turned it too if I could afford it. I couldn't. Ha.

Toccata said...

668, I liked the snowman too. It just kind of agrees with my wickedly warped sense of humour.

Kelly, our dog Roughie (named after the Saskatchewan Roughies of course) used to do that too and with sandcastles in the summertime.

Allison, well of course dogs rule! Dogs and cats! I'm constantly amazed at some of the ridiculous things my cat manages to manipulate me into doing!

Purkle! I like that word Melanie. Hey, I tried to visit you but couldn't get past your profile.

Thanks Ben. It's my new toy and I'm finding with blogging also new to me that I'm now looking for things to snap.

Busterp, the purple lady does look fun. She strikes me as the kind of lady that just doesn't give a damn about convention. A Michael Richards Snowman! I'm going to try and find a comic clip for you from a Canadian show about Richards. It's pretty good. How's the weather? I saw on the news that the storm was moving up the Eastern portion of the States into your area.

Evelyne said...

The snowman picture is awesome I really like that : a snowman and the ocean right behind it, awesome!

mellowlee said...

Tocatta - It's me Mellowlee/Melanie
I have no idea why it shows my name instead of nickname. That is really weird. I even posted from home too, so it's not like I was logging in as a different user or something. That's really weird!! Anyways, now you know it's me heehee!

Toccata said...

Hi Evelyne, being a prairie girl originally I must say I too rather like seeing a snowman with the ocean as a backdrop!

Mellowlee, that's so funny. The first time I saw Melanie on one my posts I wasn't really paying attention and so I commented using your name and then I realized that no the name is Melanie so I had to delete the comment. Mr. Blogger has a mind of it's own!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Love that poor mistreated snowman! There's a purple house on the way to Eva's school too, but it's not as glorious as the one you show.

Toccata said...

Poor mistreated snowman! I love that line, Barbara. Makes me think someone should write a children's book about him in a Charles Dickens setting.

Barbara said...

Wonderful pictures! Poor snowman... good thing snowmen don't rule or we would all have the summer off becaise the bosses would be away...
lind of like parliment.
Yes dogs rule as do cats... and sometimes birds.

Toccata said...

Barbara, you are right! If Snowmen ruled we would definitely be like parliament and hitail it out of town and have some fun in the sun!

karen said...

Poor snowman! That house in the last ocean shot looks beeoootiful - my man Stu would like to know where it is (and he loved the story about them rotating it to get a better view!)

Toccata said...

The house is in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. I come a relatively poor part of the country so when I moved here and saw things like that it would make my head spin in disbelief!