Monday, November 06, 2006


Ok, this rain is ridiculous even by Westcoast standards! The cat's restless and I'm restless. Odd how we always think we'd like a day when we're forced inside to do all those unfinished projects but when it comes we only want to be out and about. I'm just thankful I no longer live in that old basement apartment, the one that was prone to flooding.

When I first moved into my old apartment my retired next door neighbours came by and introduced themselves and said, "If you ever need any help, please just come on by." Later that week Victoria experienced record rainfall in a single day and I had a torrent of water rushing into my place. I felt rather foolish but I ran next door and when the husband answered the door I said, "Remember when you said if I ever needed any help?" We worked for three long hours and partway through the time his wife came over and announced, "I've made a pot of chili and supper will be ready whenever you two are." They were awesome. The best neighbours ever. At one point when it was just his wife and I alone she touched my hand and said, "Don't worry dear, you have made his day. Believe me, tomorrow at the club he's going to be telling everyone how he rescued this pretty young thing." For months whenever they would introduce me to one of their friends, their friends would inevitably say, "Oh, you're the girl with the flood."

Well, I think I'm just going to have to get wet because this rain is not going to stop and sitting around here just makes me think of all the things I should be doing but don't want to. I think later I might have to come up with a list of top ten songs about the rain! Anything to delay cleaning.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Don't good neighbours make all the difference in the world? In our first house, a sweet ancient lady lived next door to us and I will always remember her with great fondness. I think we made each others' days.

Toccata said...

They certainly do. In Moose Jaw we lived next door to a lovely woman. She used to love to garden. When she turned 93 the doctor told her she had to quit gardening and quit spending time in the sun. I remember her telling me, "Marna, I'm 93! What does it matter."

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

i love this post.

and i'm with you on the rain!

Toccata said...

Thanks 668 aka neighbour of the beast. A student gave me "idiot proof" directions for uploading images so we'll see. I figure with the long weekend coming up I just maybe able to figure it out!

mellowlee said...

Ug, I hear you! I am sick to death of this. I guess we were spoiled with such a mild autumn, now were are REALLY getting it :(

Those neighbors sound so amazing. I miss some of my old neighbors too. You just don't see that here in Vancouver. At least I haven't yet. It's like people are scared of each other (and no wonder...)

Toccata said...

I don't know my neighbours now what with being squashed between an apartment building and a B&B. However, I rent the upstairs of an old character home and there are two apartments below and both tenants are extremely nice.