Saturday, November 04, 2006

Well, I thought I had an image but I can't seem to get it from the create a post to the published post. In the meantime pretend you see a picture of a very handsome yellow mustard tummied tabby cat.

Do you have an image? Well, that cat moved in 8 years ago. He showed up one day all skinny and straggly with a torn ear. He looked so forlorn and half starved so of course I fed him a little milk. Later, I came home from work to find he had managed to sneak his way into my basement suite and was fast asleep on a chair. I let him sleep knowing he had been having a tough time of it. That night while sleeping I almost had a heart attack when he jumped on the bed wanting to crawl under the covers. Next day I took him to the vet to try and find his owners through his tatoo in his ear. Luckily for me no one claimed him and he's been with me ever since. I now know he has a couple of nasty habits that make me think that just maybe he was tossed out rather than lost!

Quote of the day:

It is in mathematics that the artist has the fullest scope of his imagination.
Havelock Ellis


Barbara Bruederlin said...

What a lovely story of how you and your cat found each other. It completely breaks my heart when I see all those pets that get abandoned all the time.
(Husbands have bad habits too and we still put up with them).

Toccata said...

That's funny. My mom would probably say she has put up with my dad for 56 years!

Anonymous said...

hey toccata...i want to watch the roughriders game tomorrow but...have to be out of town....rats...thinks for visiting my blog

Allison said...

Hey toccata, you finally took the plunge and got a blog. Yay! Barb's right, very lovely story about your cat. When Blogger starts playing nice maybe you can post a picture!

mellowlee said...

Yes, see, cats pick their people :) Awwwww! I look forwad to your cat blog. I think he deserves a blog of his very own! I will link it up to Loki's when you have it up and running.

Toccata said...

Mellowlee, I am going to try and get his blog up and going this weekend.

Allison, I did that whole switch to the new blogger today because it sounded like it might be easier to work. We'll see. My layout sucks.