Friday, December 01, 2006

Stupid Blippidy Blip Blogger!

Mr. Blogger and I are no longer on speaking terms! He lost my Friday random shuffle! Ok maybe it was through my own incompetence that it was lost but all the same I am not happy!


Barbara Bruederlin said...

I sympathize. I once had Blogger eat a huge long post and now I always copy it before I publish. But sometimes, I feel like living on the edge and I publish WITHOUT COPYING. I'm such a rebel.

Was it a good random list?

Toccata said...

It was the best list! It was ok. Had a couple of real gems and then a few that I would never turn to on my own.

mellowlee said...

Blogger was being a barfhead today wasn't it? Grrr I hate that! My sympathys!

Toccata said...

Mellowlee, Blogger can sometimes seem like the greatest thing going but there are those times when you just want to strangle it! Hope you're having a good weekend. How's the snow situation across the water? The fun part is over and done with here leaving only icy sidewalks to contend with.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

i think i wish blogger lost my playlist.

Toccata said...

Oh my God 668 I read your comment and burst out laughing! I now have to run over to "your place" and check it out!

mellowlee said...

It's really nice here in Van. A lot of the snow is melted, and the sidewalks are clear. It's slippery, but a lot of people have cleared their sidewalks with salt, which is very nice. Yesterday was difficult to get around on foot, because the curbs were all flooded with water. You couldn't simply cross the street, you would have to walk around the HUGE puddles collected there. Very scary at times. It was interesting. I was so relieved today to find most of the water had drained away!