On the subject of cats, Sammy Jo's friend, Bob(the cat) needs your help. Go visit Busterp and you can then link to casting your vote for Bob(the cat).
This is a picture of a rather impressive children's toy house. We always had to make do with building our own forts from scratch. Bedsheets for the basement and old discarded pieces of plywood and cardboard for the backyard. I don't know but I think the bed sheet forts were a whole lot better. What do you think?
Bad luck, I'm still into snapping pictures of flowers.
I need some camera picture taking tips. I want to take pictures of some of the cool shops in town but if they have their lights on I cannot get the pictures to turn out right. I get big globs of gold spots showing. Any ideas on how to stop this from happening? (I tried to find a picture to show you what I mean but I must have deleted all of them.)
At last the long weekend is almost upon us. To our American freinds I guess you'll just have to wait an extra week for yours. For the other countries, I have no idea when your holidays are but I hope you too have a long weekend coming up.
do you mean nighttime pictures with the lights on?
hmmm..i'm slipping I think there's been a definite lack of smart assedness comments on my part
Kelly, I think your ham sandwich with brie and curry has muddled your smart assedness part of the brain.
What I actually meant was pictures in the day with the lights on but I'm sure I will need to know about nighttime pictures as well if you know anything about them. I'll have to take another picture and post it and that way people can see what I mean.
Glad the puss is doin' OK!!!
Great flower pics.. Very vibrant :]
For nighttime pictures a tripod can help a lot, because the exposure time is a little bit longer (you should have that option on your camera) and it is hard to hold the camera without moving (it's one my brother told me).
Glad to hear that Sammy Jo is feeling better. I really like your flower pictures!
Glad sj is on the mend...although the nighttime play routine's gotta' go (my cat used to do the same).
I have no idea on the pics...sorry. But you're sure getting the flower ones right - love them!
Dogga, thanks.
Evelyne, thanks I will try the delayed exposure. I'm sure I have it because I kind of remember finding it by accident one time.
Deb, you try telling him to sleep through the night! I'm going to make that your job when you come here! :)
You have given new meaning children's story of Puss and Boots!
(sorry, I could not resist, even at yours—or worse, Sammy Jo's expense)
Once upon a time when I was a boy ... my mother, under the guise of Santa, had a small "playhouse" brought in and installed in our backyard late one Christmas eve. When we awoke the next morning—way before sunrise—there was a long piece string running from the Christmas tree out the living room and through the dining room then on through the kitchen and off the back porch and, finally, it ended in the far back corner of the yard. There, barely visible in the early dusk stood a small colonial blue playhouse with a shingled pitched roof. It was the size of a one car garage with the entry door in the center of the longest side. At either short end was a paned window. Inside were chalk boards and a small set of bookshelves on either end. It sat on a foundation of four cement blocks. We were amazed! But by the end of the year it was a storage shed and the most we ever played on it was to climb up the Dogwood tree that nestled closely behind the structure and then jumping from the roof to the ground—a right of passage—from fear to bravery in our young little minds.
I have not thought of that little one room house in years.
Excuse me .... that would be early dawn. Don't do drugs is all I can say in my defense.
Wayward son, I was thinking what the heck and then I reread what I wrote! Damn, hadn't noticed that before. I had better run and edit my post and correct the spelling.
Liked your story about the playhouse. I liked the following the string out to the present. But I have always kind of thought that playhouses were probably not really used at least not for their initial intent. We used to jump off the roof of our house into the snow. Much softer landing than ground.
please do post a pic of what you mean
and how could you not like ham?
"I don't play in the middle of the night, why has he not learned this?" Priceless ;)
Glad to hear Sammy Jo is feeling better. That is a rather fine looking playhouse, but I prefer the couch forts we used to make with blankets, etc. More room for creativity, plus jumping off the roof hurt less.
Those flower closeups are fabulous! And I am so glad that Sammy Jo is up to his normal shenanigans. I love it when our cat snuffles at my hair, just not so much during the night.
There is a quite fabulous playhouse in our yard, which was here when we bought the place. It's a great spot to store the hockey net, but I doubt Eva played in it for more than a year. Kid-made is better.
Kelly, I will definitely post a picture later this weekend. Probably not until tomorrow night though.
Allison, I think the homemade forts are the best too. Half the fun was in building them in the first place. I don't know about your forts but ours were mostly of the kind that you either had to be sitting or lying down which made them seem more mysterious somehow.
Barbara, I bet there are a lot of playhouses being used for storage. So little Sputnik is a hair grabber too!
Our cat is like that too, wakes you up usually for food THEN to be let out. Same actions, bites head, pulls hair...evelyne is right about the camera - tri-pod and way slower exposure. My digital kodak has a night setting which is useful.
Oh, loooove that last flower and absolutely, the homemade forts were superior!
Leazwell, it's good to know I don't have the only demanding cat around. Non cat owners always look at me with a look of, that would never happen in my house!
I'm going to try the delayed timer later today. I don't have a tripod but I know I have delayed timer and a night setting as well so I will try both. Thanks.
Well to be fair to Sputty, she doesn't really grab hair, just blows her nose in it or something. At least that's what it sounds like. She's actually really good at sleeping all night except that she's a bed hog and she sometimes snores.
So glad SJ is doing much better. I voted for Bob (the cat) :O) go Bob go. I love the photos!
Barbara, SJ certainly knows how to hot the bed but he doesn't snore. He actually has a very soft purr as well.
Mellowlee, that was one cute picture of Bob(the cat). I hope he wins.
Hi. I hate pus. Glad all is well with Sammy Jo. I took some pictures today - terrible. I came back to look at yours to see how it's done. Thanks for the link too. Results tomorrow.On the edge of town, one well to do resident has two nice playhouses - one son and one daughter. They are still up and look great. They even had nameplates on them. Sad part of the story: Gary, the son died in Vietnam. It's still well cared for. Bitter sweet memory. I knew him, not very well, but it's kept him in the back of my mind all these years.
Busterp, I will be sure to check out the results tomorrow. I can pretty much do the flower thing but nothing else. And even I am tired of the whole flower thing so I need to branch out. I tried doing what I thought were some cool shots of doorways, came home uploaded them and all crap and there was nothing to do but delete them.
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