Thursday, November 16, 2006

Experimenting with the New Toy!
Just finished a long day of teaching so I'm posting pics and not really blogging tonight. I don't know what happened to the whole spacing thing on this. Crazy stupid technology. I wish it would do what I wanted it to!

My house is rather interesting because it's a small character house converted into apartments but slammed between a couple of extremely large houses and an apartment building. We tend to get overlooked as in by the recycling guys!

This is the house behind me but from a much better viewpoint than my actual backyard. The man that designed both the Empress and the Parliament Buildings also designed this house. It's also been cut up into apartments. Lots of apartments! Some of the apartments are nothing more than a closet with a ridiculous rent attached to them.

Of course one of the great things about living in Victoria is taunting our Eastern neighbours with flowers blooming in the middle of a Canadian winter. These were taken today at the Government Gardens. Not bad for November!


Deb said...

Wow, I love your pics. That place looks great - I'd love to live somewhere like that (in the entire thing of course...not a broom closet!). And flowers in November sure are great.

Toccata said...

That place does look awesome from the outside doesn't it. Inside it's a different story. I think there's a lot of places like that around here. My place is the opposite. From the outside it's crap and I'm sure the neighbours all hate us but on the inside it's really nice. I mean it's old but it's nice.

karen said...

Oh WOW, that house is gorgeous! Shame it's been divided up. And loving the blossom it's beautiful. Good camera-using skills lady! Great pics.

Toccata said...

Hello there Kees. I can't sleep so I restarted the computer to do the Friday random music shuffle. It's after 12 so hey, it's Friday.

By the way, I was wondering if I could add you to my link list.

mellowlee said...

That house/apartment looks amazing. It is sad when the chop beautiful places up like that. Greedy people GRRRR.
Those flowers look lovely :)

Awesome pictures! I love em!

Toccata said...

Mellowlee I was thinking about you this morning when I heard the boil advisory was still in place. A million people. Hard to fathom. Hopefully they'll truck some water in today.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

what a gorgeous house!

Toccata said...

There are definitely some pretty nice homes around here. Hard to believe some of them still house single families.

Agh! Word verification is making me feel dyslexic this morning as I am now about to enter the stupid word verification for the third time!

Splinkster said...

ahh yes I do miss the beauty of blooming trees and flowers during the winter months, when I lived in Tacoma I had several kinds of trees blooming in the winter months, and when I moved yo Seattle the yeard had Azalias and Rhodes along with a very large Cherry tree that brightened up the yeard in the spring. But I still think Nanaimo and Victoria were tops as far as winter blooms

Toccata said...

We do have nice blooms all right Splinkster but Seattle has a fantastic club scene. My trips to Seattle have always been such fun.

Evelyne said...

I love those pictures and that house is amazing, well outside at least!

Toccata said...

Hi Evelyne. My sister visited Montreal this summer and all I have heard since her return is how fantastic the city is. She even brought back pamphlets from different art schools to try and entice me into going back with her next summer!