Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow!What a difference a few hours make. We have snow! Lots of snow! Best of all I have a snow daybecause of all the snow! Yahoo! I actually had my first student but by the time her lesson was done the rest had cancelled. My student drove here herself but her father called to say he was coming to get her because he didn't want her out driving on her own. Don't blame him. It's crazy out there and this being Victoria nobody knows how to drive in the stuff.

Well of course I had to get out into the snow myself and I have some pics but my fingers were absolutely freezing so I don't know how good they are. Turns out not very.

Sammy Jo sleeping on the table that is positioned over the heater. I don't think he's going to be moving anytime soon!

Unfortunately my pics of the Government Gardens came out all fuzzy so this is a pic from a previous snowfall. When I was taking pictures this morning in the gardens I heard a loud crack and freaked because I had no way of telling which tree was about to go and where I should run. Ran for the closest clearing and as it turned out the branch was pretty small for such a large ominous cracking sound! By then I was kind of freaked out and my fingers were frozen so I came back home to dry out and warm up but I will head out again soon. Some friends and I are going to get together and have a snowball fight. Hey, this is Victoria we don't get the chance to hurl snow at one another very often.

p.s. For anyone interested I finally have a new story on my cat blog.


Allison said...

That's a gorgeous picture. I was just talking with friends in Vancouver and I can't believe how much snow they've got, and its still sticking!!

Have a good day at work!

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

it's so pretty!

ps... i'm just finishing up last week's strombo recap and i'm linking it to your post. let me know if that's a problem.

Evelyne said...

This picture is awesome, I love it! You are so lucky!

Toccata said...

So funny to completely edit a post and then publish the new and find comments about the old one! I have a snow day so Allison, I no longer have to work!

668 that is no problem whatsoever. Is it still snowing in Vancouver? My phone has been ringing with everyone hoping that this is going to be like the snow of '96.

Evelyne I do have to admit the snow makes everyone pretty happy especially here because it won't last.

Toccata said...

Evelyne I just wanted to let you know I have been trying to access your blog but for some reason Mr. Blogger won't let me so if you feel like people are ignoring you just know it's Mr. Blogger being grumpy today!

Deb said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous pics...Allison's right.

I took some but, no matter how pretty things look through the viewfinder, I never really manage to capture what I'm after. Linds and & both took some of the same things last night - hers are beautiful, mine - pretty much boring. I posted a few but will put more up when she sends me hers. Love this white stuff...what is it again?

Anonymous said...

damn white stuff..i don't know what i was thinking by actually wanting it to come

Toccata said...

Debs I will go and take a look at your pics after this. I just now took a couple of good ones of the cat. He lasted about 3 minutes in the white stuff!

Kelly, today I'm finding it fun by tomorrow I will want it to be gone. There was a reason we left Saskatchewan after all!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Thanks a bunch you BCers. I just heard there's now a severe weather warning for Calgary. We're about to get 25 cm of your snow. Overnight of course. Because I have a 30km drive to work in the morning. I hate winter!!!!!!

But Sammy Jo seems to like it a lot.

Toccata said...

Hey anytime. Glad to send a bit of the white stuff your way! 25 cm? That's a little excessive. Hope either the weatherman is wrong or it's so bad that you won't have to make the drive. Do take care if you do.

Allison said...

I'm from SW Ontario and people freak out when any snow touches the ground.

I was born in Central Ontario, where we'd get tons of snow, so seeing everyone scramble always made me laugh.

Glad for the snow day work, whohoo.

Toccata said...

I'm from the prairies and all us prairie people like mocking the people that freak out when the snow comes. I always remember when Toronto was hit by the snowstorm and how the rest of the country totally mocked them!

Anonymous said...

isn't that why toronto exists?...for us to mock?

Toccata said...

Good one Kelly. We used to have neighbours from Toronto and everytime they would do something out of the ordinary people would always say, "Well, you know, they are from Toronto." Like that explained everything!

mellowlee said...

I love the photo of Sammy Jo. Nothing better than being warm and cozy when it's so cold and snowy out. I think that photo illustrates this PURRRRRfectly!
The other photo is so beautiful. I really should get myself a camera for christmas eh? I think I deserve one for being smoke free since Feb!!

I would've been pretty scared if I had heard that cracking noise too! Holy moly, the word verification for this comment is gigantic!

Toccata said...

Mellowlee! Smoke free since February? That's awesome, congratulations. You certainly do deserve a camera.

After I was out alone I went out with friends and we were in a park and there were tree branches dropping just boom, boom, boom. We ended leaving quick and headed to the ocean instead.

Nature can be at once so beautiful and yet so destructive.

I'd like to get rid of the word verification but someone said you can get spam if you don't have it. I don't know.

mellowlee said...

Thank you!
Eeep, glad you got out of there! It's 6am ish, and it looks like it just stopped snowing. WOW! It's truly a winter wonderland out there.
Yes, it's true you do get spam if you take off word verification.

Unknown said...

SJ looks content.

Your other picture looks like a Christmas card. Nice.

Toccata said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Toccata said...

Thanks for the info Melanie. Guess I'll leave word verification on even if sometimes it can make you feel like your dyslexic.

Busterp that contented kitty got a real bad case of stir crazy in the middle of the night from being cooped up all day! Aww!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I get the odd bit of spam without having any word verification, probably about 3/week. I just delete it.

Toccata said...

A few spams a week I can deal with so Barbara as soon as I can figure out how to get rid of word verification it will be gone!

Toccata said...

Yahoo word verification is gone!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Look at me, I'm posting comments without triggering my dyslexia!
(I hope I didn't steer you wrong on the spamming)

Hope you stayed safe and warm today. I understand you guys are now in for the deep freeze as well.

Toccata said...

It's supposed to get to -10! I'm sure the rest of Canada is just muttering to themselves, "Oh just shut up already. -10! You don't know cold!"

If spamming becomes a problem I can always go back. I never thought of myself as having any dyslexic tendencies until word verification came into my life. I have to re-enter alot!

Alana Elliott said...

Wow, it's pretty brutal over there. Is is getting any better? To be honest, I'm getting a little concerned! According to CBC's site, there was a bunch of power outages and buildings were closing it that bad? Argh...worried!

On a lighter note, those pictures look fabulous! :P

Small Town Teacher said...

Have I said how much I like your blog? I also envy you that you get so many comments. I just want you to know I do check about twice a day to see if you've updated it. It's just I sometimes have nothing profound to say ... or maybe I'm just lazy :)

Toccata said...

Alana, I have to admit I have been very lucky. Our heat keeps cutting out by I have a great landlord and he always comes and gets it going again. Some neighbourhoods have been without power for over a day now. Mainly we are just not accustomed to this kind of weather and don't know wht to do when it hits.

Lil, no worries. I never have anything profound to say. How's the weather where you are? I'll stop on by after this comment.

Alana Elliott said...

Hahaha, just let me know if you hear anything about a giant ship smashing into the harbour or sinking into the ocean. :P

Toccata said...

Alana, I teach a boy from Thompson, Manitoba and he just thinks we're all a bunch of hippie wimps!

mellowlee said...

I think the photo of Sammy Jo would make a lovely Christmas card!!!

Toccata said...

Mellowlee, I'll maybe have to do that. I could try putting a Santa hat on him but I know S.J. and there is no way he'd stand for that long enough to take a snap!

karen said...

er, where'd my comment go? Yesterday I left a long waffley comment about how we get 3 days of snow a year and the country grinds to a halt. Oh and also LOVELY pictures :D

Toccata said...

Hi Ben thanks for stopping by. Sammy Jo is about as active as a stuffed pet right now.

Kees, losing a waffley comment sounds like something I would do. I think Victoria and the UK have very similar weather patterns. Today we are finally getting back to normal. Alas, my snow days are over and done with.

mellowlee said...

I have some xmassy picture tubes, i could play around with it for you. :)