Sunday, November 19, 2006

Strombo you are so wrong!
Ten minutes into the Strombo show and I am already ticked off! Sometimes I do not know why I listen, because that man can drive me crazy. His stupid, uninformed comment about being a man and being able to have children in another 15 years is so bloody annoying. Yes, he can have kids in another 15 years but having a child with a disability dramatically increases with a man's age just like it does with a woman's age. Why do men not know this? Why does society allow this incorrect and dangerous stereotype continue?
Alex is once again stealing the show. Man that guy is funny.
Man I'm cranky tonight. I think I had better just head to bed even if it is only 8:00. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back to my normally cheerful self.


668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

you go girl! i love fiery rants!

alex rocks! did you hear the new segment?

Allison said...

yes, i!!

i wish i could listen, i loved alex. i enjoy him much more than george.

Toccata said...

I know I said I was off to bed but I decided to play the flute instead. Good thing too because I am feeling much less bitchy because of it!

668 I loved the new segment but I think that's because Alex can make anything funny. It's great to see that Alex is going to be on each week.

Allison, I have a love hate relationship where George is concerned but definitely enjoy Alex more than George.

Anonymous said...

you play the flute AND paint? impressive...ok now everybody harass toccata until she gives us an art show and an online flute concert....

John Mutford said...

I have to admit- I didn't know that. Moot point for me personally anyway as I've been "fixed", but good to know anyway.

Toccata said...

Trust me Kelly, you do not want me playing any flute concert anytime soon. I make sure all the other tenants are gone when I play. I find it relaxing I'm sure anyone in earshot finds it headache inducing.

John, I have no idea why this is not better known. It's not like it's not well documented but I guess fighting old stereotypes is a hard slog.

Evelyne said...

i really like Alex on the Strombo show, because he's always fighting with George and it doesn't happen that often that he agrees on what George says.

Toccata said...

Evelyne, reading your comment made me smile because I think that's why I like the show so much. I enjoy the banter.

Barbara said...

I love the fact that George can make me growl with some of the things he says... I think it's on purpose to rile a response out of the audience.. thats why we have the comment page...

Toccata said...

Absolutely Barbara! If he didn't make me think or irritate me I wouldn't bother listening. But like clockwork I'm back there every Sunday.

However, I think he probably does think he can have kids until he's 80 just as long as the woman is young.

karen said...

I don't know the show but that kind of thing gets me too - recently there was a bit of fuss here in the UK because one doctor said, completely factually, that waiting too long to have children is not a good idea and the press completely slaughtered her for having a go at older mothers!!! Drives me mad - people should be more informed about this sort of thing. Nice rant :)

Toccata said...

Hi Kees. Sorry to take so long getting back to you. Work is a little crazy right now. We kept hearing about that lady in the UK that had a baby in her 60's on purpose! People are kind of weird sometimes.