Friday, November 24, 2006

Ten things you probably didn't know about me:

I guess Allison started this idea and 668 aka neighbour of the beast followed suit and it seemed like a rather fun thing to do so here is my list:

1. Got the strap in grade six because I called the teacher a dork. Trust me she was.

2. Hate whipped cream. HATE it. Will not eat the ice cream if whipped cream was sprayed on top. Don't tell me just to scrape it off! It touched it!

3. Number 2 leads directly to number 3. I don't like different foods touching each other on my plate and yet I love casseroles.

4. Used to ride my banana bike down the slide. Loved that bike!

5. Used to sneak out in the middle of the night to ride my bike on the deserted streets. Still do only now I don't have to crawl out through the window.

6. Was attacked by a swan when I was 4. I was terrified as that swan was bigger than me.

7. Have never seen an episode of The Simpsons, South Park or Sesame Street.

8. Didn't talk until I could talk in sentences. Supposedly my first sentence was, "Mom! M got my hair wet!" My sister said right then she knew I was going to be nothing but trouble.

9. I can't ice skate.

10. I was named after a name in the credits of an Alfred Hitchcock film.


Evelyne said...

You never saw the Simpsons, South Park nor Sesame Street? When I was in high school right after school, my brother and i watched the Simpsons. And in high school English teachers love the Simpsons, I don't remember how many episodes we watched, but it is really cool to learn English.

And that swan was mean, it remembered me an episode of the Gilmore Girls were Jess was attacked by a swan. Aren't swans supposed to be cute and nice?

Liked that post, it is always interesting to learn new facts about someone.

Toccata said...

Hi Evelyne. I figured not seeing those shows would be kind of a surprise but growing up our television viewing was extremely restricted and then I had 7 years without a t.v. and I don't somehow those three just got missed.

John Mutford said...

Re: "I called the teacher a dork"

In my first year of teaching I had a student (grade 3) that gave me a note that read, "Dear John, I love you. I think you are the bestest teacher ever. I don't like it when my mom calls you a dork."

I had to keep it. It still makes me laugh.

Toccata said...

John that note is a classic! That is so funny. That kid's mom and I are probably about the same age.

Allison said...

Excellent list!!

I love your food ones. Although I love whipped cream, I hate on commercials when food morphes into things!! Like those salad dressing ones, *shudders*

You rode you bike down the slide, you rebel!!

I too was attacked my a swan. I live in complete fear to this day.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

i like number three. i can totally relate. for exmaple, i like fruit, but i don't like fruit in things. and i am shocked by number 7!

Deb said...

I love learning things about people...your 'tidbits' were great! I just can't relate to the whipped cream thing though - I'd eat it plain, by the tub, if it weren't so fattening.

And we had 'pet' snow geese for a time...they'd hiss and spit and chase us - not very cuddly, that's for sure.

And the sneaking out to ride your bike I could also relate to - when I was 5 I got new rubber boots that I really wanted to try out. Apparently I snuck out at 4 a.m. in the middle of a storm to play in the neighbour's sandbox in them. Mom and Dad were frantic. See...we could've snuck out and played together!!

Allison said...

*by a swan

silly me :)

Toccata said...

Thanks Allison. You're the one who started this whole list thing. It's been great fun. Glad to have met another one dumb enough to get in the way of an irate swan.

Shocked by 7 are you 668? Most people are and now I think it's a thing with me. Everyone keeps telling me you have to see them and so I'm like, no I don't!

Eww Deb. Whipped cream by the tub. Yuk! Loved your story about the new rubber boots. I'm sorry I missed you that night. I think we could have had ourselves a blast mucking about in the sandbox togehter.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

no you can't see them now!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I agree with 668, you can't give in and watch those shows now. That fact has become part of your persona.

Similarly, I have never seen the film Titanic, nor read the DaVinci Code, and now I never will.

SlayGirl said...

foods touching? INteresting. My oldest son is like that. NOt really WAY apart but a comfortable distance; though he likes my meatloaf, weird. My youngest turns everything into a goulash, everything gets thrown in the middle. Funny.

Toccata said...

No worries 668 and Barbara B I just cannot see myself ever watching those shows now.

Barbara I read the DaVinci Code when it first came out way before all the hoopla hit over the book. It was kind of interesting from that vantage point because I was so surprised by what happened and kind of thought, "Did I read the same book? People, it was just a fictitious mystery book, nothing more."

Slaygirl, it's weird how we all have these little oddities when it comes to our food. I am so with your oldest son on this one. Let's just keep those foods at a comfortable distance!

mellowlee said...

You are a very interesting person Toccata! My kind of peeps :) I loved your list. I especially loved teh sneaking out to ride your bike! I am a whipped cream lover, but I hate it when the put it on drinks GRRR. I'll be back later, my 16 year old son is giving me the evil eye...he wants to use the puter! :)

Toccata said...

Mellowlee I had to laugh when you said your son needs the computer. Kids think we can give the evil eye but they too have it down pat!

Unknown said...

Interesting all. Question on 10.

Do you happen to know which movie?

Lucky you weren't name Kay Sera.
(whatever will be...)

Toccata said...

Hello Busterp. Thanks for stopping by. The movie was, North by Northwest but oddly enough my name is very close to Marnie so most people assume that is the movie.

karen said...

I love number 10. Love it. That's such a great way to get a name!

Toccata said...

Thanks Kees. My sister is named after a character in a book. My parents wanted different names for the girls but very standard names for the boys.