Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Allison!
These are for you. This first Paul Klee makes me think of you because of all the grand colours interwined with the letters.

Once emerged from the grey of night
Of course I had to give you a Wassily Kandinsky being as I know how much you adore him.

Arch and Arrow

I tried to convince Arcade Fire to play you Happy Birthday but seems they're busy, or so they say. Pfft! I saw no reason why they couldn't stop off on their way to Burnaby for tomorrow's performance. Don't worry, I'm singing to you now. Hey! How come you're covering your ears?

Happy Birthday my friend. This year certainly looks to be an exciting year for you. Good luck with everything. Here's a triple woot just for you. WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! (Notice the capital letters because I know how much you love capital letters! Ha!)


Allison said...

Aww, thank-you Toccata!! That was very nice of you. I've never seen the first one before, I love it, it reminds me of a quilt. And much thanks for the birthday song, I didn't cover my ears, but my dog did run away ;) Joking, of course. And a triple woot, wow, I feel special.

Toccata said...

Allison, well you are special! If you like Kandinsky I think you would probably like Klee as well.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Those are wonderful pictures, Toccata - they are both quite joyous feeling. What a lovely gift.

How rude of those stuck-up Arcade Fire, but you came through very nicely in their stead.

mellowlee said...

Awww, Toccata, you are awesome! Happy Bday Al!

Toccata said...

Barbara, yea I even managed to make her dog run away and hide!

Mellowlee, I just read your email. I'm so thrilled that things are going so swimmingly for you. Ear infections aside of course!

Whitenoise said...

Yep, HB to Allison. Good on ya, Toccata to think of your friends. :-)

b o o said...

those are lovely.

happy birthday allison :)

Deb said...

what a great post tc!

Johnny Yen said...

Happy Birthday, Allison!

Very nice! I was just admiring some Klees and Kandinskys at the Art Institute here in Chicago a couple of weeks ago.

A few years back, the Art Institute had an exhibit-- the "Degnerate Art" exhibit-- it was a recreation of an exhibit the Nazis had-- it was supposed to show Germans what "degenerate" art looked like. Modern Art=Evil in the Nazi mindframe. Well, the problem was that they gathered some of the best art in 1930/40's Europe at the time, and the exhibit became, ironically, the place to go.

There were a series of quotes from the artists on the walls. One of the ones I found powerful was Paul Klee's utterance, upon returning to his native Switzerland, after leaving Germany:

"Here I am. Germany has no place for me."

Toccata said...

Just waiting for a student so if I cut out midsentence you'll know why.

Whitenoise, well I'm lucky to have such good friends.

Boo, thanks. Hope you're having a good week.

Deb, hello there. Just saw your squirrel. I have to steal that squirrel!

Johnny Yen, you lucky duck you. I wish I had been there. Hopefully this summer I will get to see some great art that's not in a book! That German exhibit sounded fascinating. What an interesting exhibit to recreate. Hope you drag your kid along. That's what my parents did and then when I was in London I found myself alone in a room surrounded by Turner watercolors and new that I was surrounded by genius. I think it was the first time I fully understood the meaning of that word. The power of that moment has never left me.

Phil said...

Happy Hoofday Allison "Quack, quack" :o)

Toccata said...

Dogga, I'll have to make sure she sees that message. She'll like it.