Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thanks guys! It seems to me my cat gets more sympathy when sick than I do! lol

I finally found the wound this morning. Once I found that I was able to get the puss out so hopefully that will help turn things around. He has spent a lot of time on my lap sleeping but now he's sleeping in his favorite chair.

With company all weekend and a sick kitty on top of that I now have to get my house back in order and get ready for teaching. I will visit you all later but unfortunately that will have to wait until after work. Take care everyone and thanks again.
Sick Kitty
My parents are wandering through Oak Bay Village while I am spending some quality time with my sick kitty. He slept on my lap for a couple of hours and now he's sleeping on top of the computer table. Poor thing. I'm not sure what is wrong but he smells like he has an infection although I can find no signs of any wounds. He's not eating. His fur feels different, more dry and coarse than his normal beautifully soft sleek fur.
He's not young by any means but all the same I'm still hoping that he just has a bit of the cat flu. A friend said he would drive me to the vet tomorrow and I think I'm going to take him up on his offer.

Sammy Jo


b o o said...

aww poor baby. HUGS. feel better soon SJ HUGS

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh poor Sammy Jo! He does look under the weather. And you couldn't find anything? I'm glad you are getting to the vet tomorrow, so that he can get helped back to health. Best wishes Sammy Jo.

Allison said...

Oh, I hope he feels better soon! My dog Sam, even gives her best wishes :)

Evelyne said...

Hope that Sammy Jo is going ti feel better soon.

Deb said...

Aw, he does look under the weather, Barb's right. Keep us posted...we all love your little friend. GL Sammy Jo.


justacoolcat said...

I hope your kitty is feeling better.

Toccata said...

Boo, I passed on your hug to SJ in the form of a tummy rub.

Barbara, I knew he had to have an infection somewhere because of his
smell but I sure couldn't find it yesterday. Today the wound was obvious. That silly cat is far too old to be scrapping with other cats.

Allison, give Sam a hug for me.

Evelyne, thanks, I think he will.

Deb, hopefully he will have his saucy attitude back in short order. I'm not used to a docile cat that's not demanding something or other every ten minutes!

Justacoolcat, thanks. That cat never could win a fight!

Whitenoise said...

~hope SJ's back in the pink soon. It's tough when they can't tell you what's wrong.

Toccata said...

Whitenoise, thanks. I know and Dr. Dolittle I'm not!

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

oh no, poor sammy jo! 'goober' gives up one of his belly rubs for him.

i'm glad you found the wound. it's not been a very good week for our little ones eh?

mellowlee said...

Awwwwww! Im glad you found the wound! Take care SJ! xoxo

Toccata said...

668, that's such a good dog you have willing to give up one of his tummy rubs. Sure hope Goober's wound is coming along ok.

Mellowlee, he even ate tonight so I think the tide has turned in his favour.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh good job, Toccata! I'm so glad you were able to locate the problem and thanks for updating us. You know how much we worry when pets are illing, even other folk's pets. Keep eating, Sammy Jo.

Toccata said...

Barbara, you're up late. My parents couldn't get over how old SJ looked. So I think between their assessment and then his illness I probably got a little over paranoid.

Deb said...

Glad SJ's on the mend. Where was his wound and any ideas where he got it.

Hope he didn't have a fight with a raccoon or anything like that.

Toccata said...

Deb, his wound was on left side just under his back paw. I'm sure it wasn't a racoon as we have been down that road before and believe he was one heck of a mess that time and the vet bills don't even get me started! I think he's doing ok but man is he skinny.

Unknown said...

Bob(the cat) and Rama wish Sammy Jo well.

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean...if jake even has a little owie...good grief you'd think he was dying with the sympathy gets.....and me?

i get told suck it up and don't be a bay

Toccata said...

Busterp, give Bob(the cat) a tummy rub and Rama too. I think Rama is about due for another film role don't you think?

Kelly, isn't that the truth.

Gledwood said...

Oh dear your cat DOES look sorry for himself. I'm glad you found the horrible wound. What do you think it was? A ratbite or something? I had an abscess on my leg. The pus "lake" was about as big as a fried egg yolk at its biggest. Even that (that was minor as abscesses CAN go) made me knocked out and tired. If you think how done-in a simple sore throat or tonsillitis can make you - there was about 100 times more pus in that - so I know how your poor cat feels. At least the pus is coming out. I used to be the one roped in to do all surgical procedures on our cat - even putting flea collars on - because she trusted me most with that stuff.

You know your cat does look underweight or... well maybe just ill. If this carries on the vet can give antibiotics. I've had them for wounds - they make a massive difference within 2-3 days - just as long as he DOES SWALLOW them -=-you know what cats are like!!!

All the best to you and Cat.

PS Have a look at my new blog kitchen clock. Isn't it super-cool --!

Toccata said...

Gledwood, thanks for stopping by. I think he just had a fight with one of the neighbourhood cats. Last night he started eating like crazy again so I'm sure the lost weight will only be temporary. I'm going to head over and take a look at your cool clock right now.

Phil said...

Get well soon moggy :]

Anonymous said...

At least once a year if not twice our cat develops an enormous puffy spot that eventually breaks, puss flowing (from fighting). When one forms on the ear which is so thin to begin with it is bizarre, you wonder how in the world so much puss could be held there. Just two weeks ago, in fact, I had to lance his ear three times before it finally cleared up.

Glad to hear your baby is on the mend.

Toccata said...

Dogga, I think he is coming along just fine. His saucy attitude is back and he's starting to once again boss me around.

Leazwell, this is certainly not the first for SJ either but I think not being able to find it at first prolonged the illness because of course in typical cat fashion the skin healed quickly trapping the puss inside. I don't think my cat has ever had puss in his ear though. It seems like such an odd place.